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We deeply believe in continuous
customer satisfaction and in the
development of product and company
quality as an evolutionary strategy.


In reality SIF thanks to its "QUALITY SYSTEM APPROACH" does not need ISO 9001 to realize its products, in fact no customer requires us any certification.

All of this comes from our culture of quality and the decision to use ISO 9001 as an organizational instrument to work, therefore simply transforming what we already did in "QUALITY SYSTEM" and improving our culture through this important management tool.

Already in 2017, we adjusted our system to the new ISO 9001: 2015, one year ahead of the deadline set by the standard.

Our system is one of our flagships thanks to the prestigious obtainment of quality certification by the IMQ (Italian Institute of Quality Mark), certified with the certificate number 9105.SIFS.

In this years we have we have achieved a great result for CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, obtaining "VERY SATISFIED" evaluation (4 out of 5) both for the quality of the PRODUCT and for the quality of the SERVICE.

However, SIF applies the policy of continuous improvement to listen to the comments of our customers on possible improvements of our products and our service and ... to trend to EXCELLENCE.